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Oppossums are Michigan's only marsupial and are mostly nocturnal. These creatures will sent-mark during the breeding season. This horrible odor is often confused witht e smell of a skunk. They frequently inhabit dens under your deck, shed, trailer home, or abandoned vehicles.


Their removal would start with an inspection, Pesky Critter would come out and access the damage, set the appropriate traps to remove the animals, recommend exclusion options and give you an estimate to repair any damage caused by these unwanted animals.

Ground Hogs

Groundhogs, also referred to as woodchucks, marmots, and whistle pigs, can cause much damage to a home owner. Groundhogs often create burrows under decks or near foundations. They will often dig multiple entrances and dirt will be piled up at the main entrance.  Groundhogs often cause expensive damage to vegetable crops, fruit trees, and ornamental shrubs.


Pesky critter would start with a full inspection and set the appropriate traps to remove these animals. We would also recommend several habitat adjustments and exclusions that can prevent them from returning.

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